There are like 640 posts here in the system I need to finish and actually post. Ay, chihuahua.
Alright, not quite that many. But life has truly been coming at me fast and I've ridden the crest of just now. So I'm going to attempt to start catching up on these long delayed works. I know, I know, I've been saying that off and on for the past few years but when reality in the present tense works on you, you have to go with it.
So in the next few days, we'll see how often I can get back into a daily discipline of blogging about the apostasy at hand which this blog is devoted to. But for now, let's reflect briefly on the recent loathesome chutzpah of convicted felon, sexual deviant and of course ex-pastor Jack Schaap shall we?
Schaap would be the former pastor of Hammond's First Baptist Church (FBHC), who was the heir to the Jack Hyles megachurch fundamentalist empire and who played his hand very badly. You see, when you become leader of one of the flagship churches of fundamentalism, a culture that makes branding itself more Christian than Christianity itself its obsessive self-focus, you simply shouldn't get caught doing what you castigate the world outside your immediate circle for doing. And that's to exploit and use young girls like play things while clutching the Superman cape about you .. certainly a "discipline" learned at the knee of his mentor.
Hyles, while erecting a personal facade of ultraorthodox purity and fidelity to true Christianity, encouraged an idolatry around his fundamentalist vision and authoritarian control that turned the church into an abusive organization filled with secrecy, legalism and manipulation. His long-standing affair with a woman who attended FBCH has long been completely denied by Hyles to the day of his death in 2001. The sheer hypocrisy of Hyles was completely lost on his well-indoctrinated flock who were taught to look the other way and to continue to uphold "the man of God" as the center of their universe, never questioning his manufactured holiness and excoriating all who might question it as puppets of Satan.
But Schaap, found that he couldn't snap the whip to drive his followers as well as Hyles did, although his legendary demonstration of how to polish a shaft before his entire church as an object lesson of faith building certainly was an attempt to do so. When incriminating evidence came out that he was having decidedly unclerical relations with a teenage girl, it was discovered it had been an ongoing perpetration with her, and within a couple of years, he was defrocked, indicted and convicted for his crime and is now serving some hard time.
But, and we come to the really icky part, not if Reverend Jack Schaap's assertion is believed. That is to say, not unless we all learn that his victim was actually responsible for seducing him and this none of this was really his fault due to mitigating circumstances. That's if his recent filing is believed by the judge who put him away.
Incredible, but true. Following the modern evolution of scandal as played out by the deviants of our day, as we see it in this apostate age, the perpetrators brazenly and unashamedly will accuse their powerless victims of being responsible for their perversion.
You can't, as they say, make this stuff up. Here's the grotesque details.
I hope Judge Lozano gives him another 10 or 20 just to think about how pathetic his complaint is. He can polish his shaft all he wants to in the darkness of isolation there. Hopefully, he'll repent and not find outer darkness closing in on him. That kind separation is eternal, fiery and unending. Jack Schaap's disgusting defiance of the judgment on earth he's incurred will be rudely interrupted by an eternal one far more literally damning than any "hell" he's face in prison might be if he doesn't repent.