There's perhaps no more pathetically hilarious season then when certain talking heads, steered by their producers pulling their strings by earpiece, want to remind us what "real Christianity" is all about when Christians and Christian institutions refuse to compromise to the social conventions everyone demands of it.
With polls and the cultural pulse takers of the day telling us how disconnected the church has become from the foundational truths which it has upheld for over two millenia, it's easy to feel that maybe we need to "evolve" and "revision" a more "user friendly" faith that isn't so intolerant, archaic, and out of touch with modern sensibilities.
So G. Shane Morris' biting response to the gainsaying day we live in is a refreshing reminder of just how countercultural that the Christian faith is and must be and shall be.
What matters, and what the media can’t for the life of them seem to
understand is this: We, as Christians, do not worship a generic
God-of-the-philosophers, non-trinitarian, and infinitely customizable to
various faiths. Our God insists on being known as Father, Son, and Holy
Spirit, as revealed in the New Testament.
When a Christian or a journalist demands we act like Jesus and just get along with everybody, I remind them that Jesus wrecked the Kumbaya of first-century Jewish theology by making exactly the claim about himself I’m making now: He is God in human flesh.
Do Christians and Muslims worship the same god? Well, is Jesus Christ
God? You can’t answer “yes” to both, no matter how loudly the
theologians in the media insist otherwise.
His throwing down of the gauntlet can be read in full here. I can only wish I'd written it first.