Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Absence of Love In Abusive Spirituality: Our EMNR 2023 Video Online

This is probably our most indepth look into the spiritual depravity of cultism we've ever had an opportunity to produce.It takes a long and hard look at why two "cutting edge" churches are just plain cutting cults.

This is a review of how Biblical agape is absent from the indoctrination of cultism, specifically in the toxic formation practiced by two Ohio Valley cults largely off the radar of countercult discernment, who have been enthusiastically abusing their recruits for a total of some seventy years. Our case studies will focus on Xenos Christian Fellowship (now called Dwell Community Church) and Gladstone Community (now called Madison Place Community Church), fulfilling Matthew 24:12.

A video presentation first broadcast at the EMNR conference entitled "Engage 2023: The Cost of Failed Discipleship.' WARNING - Explicit testimony of cult abuses may trigger cult survivors. View it HERE.