Saturday, June 13, 2015

To This Day .. We Are Still In Need of A Savior

We are still living in the last days Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24. Make no mistake about that. The last days, as we have mentioned here on this blog, are the Biblically prophesied time in human history in which humanity's descent into self-destruction will steeply nosedive and figure prominently in the advance of the end of the world.

It's what we've shared for years what the apostacy is and how much further along toward judgment we know march.The corrupt nature of humanity that underscores our existence will be seduced and exploited by powerful figures and forces of delusion and deception, working hand in glove with our common human denominator of self-centered pursuit of life without submission to the Lordship of God in Christ. People in short, will live as they will live, by God and to hell with telling THEM how to live, they will live life freely as they please.

And of course, as we've observed, this is what Jesus said would happen in the last days. Read it for yourself. It's not a mystery or the plot line for some cheesy bad flick about the Tribulation. It is a fact of life.

The moist poignant and saddening aspect of this life in the end times is how our children are universally seen as the final examples of innocence and purity we can still look to. To behold and cradle a sleeping infant or child's helpless and tiny little body and to look into their face betraying total absence of worry, woe or wrong, what parent or grandparent or family member does not then get inspired to strive and labor and fight to keep them as protected and insulated from the darkness of our fallen world as we can.

But as any parent of children knows, when the little ones grow, so does the wakening of their minds .. and wills. And the march toward corruption continues. This powerful video shows how the mundane and pervasive birth of evil in human nature has been our birthright since the fall of mankind .. and how it manifests in the most destructive of ways.

To know that children are capable of cruelty to the extent they are is still more proof of our continued need of a Savior. For us to live as we do with the evil speech we utter is proof that evil does indeed exist today.

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